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Monday, September 30, 2013


To begin our multiplication unit, we created arrays with beans to show an arrangement of rows and columns.


Estimating how many cups of rice and beans will it take to fill the cups. To their surprise they took almost the same amount of scoops, when many predicted that it would take several more scoops of rice.

Energy Cars!

We created engergy cars to discuss potential and kinetic energy and came to the conlcusion that the more stored potential engery the farther the car would go.

Context Clues

We have been using our context clues to determine unfamiliar vocabulary words!

Force and Friction

Students tested different objects to see how quickely they fell down the ramp on different surfaces (sand paper, wax paper, and slick tray surface) Students then measured the height of the ramp as the pbject fell. Great experiment to see how friction played a role!